3 Back-To-School tips to comfort dogs with separation anxiety

Now that summer is over, many of us have already changed our routines. When the time comes for kids to go back to school after summer vacation, and household activity levels change, dogs may feel lonely or experience separation anxiety.

You may not realise it, but they are deeply affected by big changes in routine. And it’s more common than you think.

The Signs of Separation Anxiety in Dogs

  • Improper urination or defecation in the house
  • Excessive barking or howling
  • Excessive chewing or destructive behavior
  • Change in apetite

3 tips to comfort dogs with separation anxiety during back-to-school period

Get your dog back into a routine

Dogs love routine because it makes them feel secure. Keeping the same time every day when going and returning to the house will help your furry friend adjust to the changes.

Play with your dog and try stimulating puzzles

Spend some quality time with your dog. Don’t just pat him on the head when you’re back home from work. Remember, he’s been home alone waiting for you all day. Get down on the floor and really play with him!
Chew toys are a way for him to relieve boredom and an interactive toy will stimulate him mentally.

Provide some background noise

I turn on the TV for Roy before I leave the house. It may seem crazy, but it’s actually good for treating separation anxiety. Music or the sound of human voices can provide him with some distraction and makes him feel less alone. Roy also loves the soothing sound of piano music. So sometimes I leave calming classical Mozart or Beethoven playing for him.

Taking him for a walk before leaving for the day, helps him burn off some energy as well. So by the time you’re ready to leave for work, he’ll be ready for a nap. Win, win!

xxx Ruth

12 thoughts on “3 Back-To-School tips to comfort dogs with separation anxiety

  1. As teachers my dogs get their routine wrecked by us during holidays. Practical tips for a smooth return to business as usual- thank you!

    1. Thanks Melanie. It’s nice to enjoy the holidays with our four legged friends. However, am glad this has helped you in getting back into routine. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Nice post. Separation Anxiety is a tough one. My pups had it pretty bad when we would go off to work for the day. I do believe in the white noise or background noise to help them feel calm. I also heard the lavendar scent helps as well. (From Dachshund Station)

    1. Thank you Dachshund Station ๐Ÿ™‚ Background TV noise and music definitely helps Roy. Like Hemp Oil, I’ve read about Lavender as well, but never tried it. I must give them both a try, in perhaps other circumstances, such as travelling.

  3. I always feel bad when I have to leave my dogs alone because most of my work can be done at home, so they’re used to spending most of their time with me. So, when I get home, I always make sure to give them plenty of attention to make up for it!

    1. Hey Molly, you’re just like me! Roy spends a lot of time with me at home, so when I absolutely have to leave him at home alone, I feel bad. Though he usually naps, recharging his batteries, until my return! ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. School season must be so tough for dogs who miss their human playmates, and with the morning rush – whew! These are great tips, I think all dogs appreciate games and puzzles so they can get their education at home, too.

    1. Welcome Lindsay, glad you find these tips of help. Yes the morning rush is the worst! I try to be up as early as possible so as to be able to walk and feed Roy without having to rush about.

  5. Whenever I leave Layla at home I make sure the Jazz station is on so there is music going all the time for her. I also try to make sure her routine is not affected. I have had no problems with her when it comes to separation anxiety up till now but with her aging and becoming afraid of little noises I have started giving her hemp oil in the mornings which seems to be helping

    1. Hi Ruth
      Jazz music is so soothing as well. Roy & I both love it. I have read a lot about hemp oil, but haven’t tried it yet. Not that Roy really needs it, but still, it has many other benefits, doesn’t it?

  6. What a great post and bringing attention to the fact that back to school effects dogs too! Thank you!

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